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18+ Point Pioneer Decks from Players Tour Brussels

February 02, 2020
Wizards of the Coast

In total, 79 players managed to win six or more of their Pioneer matches. Check out their full decklists under the following links!

Here's a breakdown of the most represented archetypes among these decks:

Archetype 18+ Points 21+ Points 24+ Points
Dimir Inverter 15 8 3
Mono-Black Aggro 11 5 4
Mono-White Devotion 6 2 0
Niv to Light 5 2 1
Sultai Delirium 5 3 3
Azorius Control 4 1 1
Bant Spirits 4 3 1
Izzet Ensoul 4 3 2
Lotus Breach 4 3 1
Mono-Red Aggro 4 2 0
Azorius Spirits 3 3 1
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