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Martin Dominguez Crowned at South America Magic Series

July 11, 2023
Meghan Wolff

Last weekend, 115 of the best Magic players from across South America met in Santiago, Chile for the South America Magic Series Regional Championship. Four invites to Pro Tour: Lord of the Rings were on the line, as well as a seat at the World Championship. After seven rounds of Pioneer followed by the Top 8, Martin Dominguez of Argentina emerged victorious. Congratulations to Martin Dominguez, South America’s Regional Champion!

Congratulations to Congratulations to Champion Martin Dominguez!

Dominguez’s journey to the trophy began when he qualified for the Regional Championship via an RCQ at Magic Dealers, but the upcoming Pro Tour won’t be his first. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Dominguez was on a roll, qualifying for four out of five Pro Tours.

Martin Dominguez plays in the finals

Dominguez defeated Arena Championship III winner Matias Leveratto, also from Argentina, in the finals. This was Dominguez’s first Top 4 at a Regional Championship, while Leveratto placed third at the first South America Magic Series last December.

Matias Leveratto plays in the finals

Both players were on Rakdos Sacrifice, the most popular deck choice of the weekend. Dominguez’s star card of the weekend was Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger, while Leveratto credited Witch’s Oven as his best card. While it was a mirror match in the finals, in Santiago it was Dominguez who took home the trophy and an invite to the World Championship.


Congratulations to the Top 8 of the South America Magic Series Regional Championship! It was a powerhouse Top 8 that included Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan champion Luis Salvatto in addition to Arena Championship III winner Leveratto.

Congratulations to the Top 8!

These players piloted six different archetypes in the Top 8. In addition to Rakdos Sacrifice, which appeared in the Top 8 three times, there were reappearing Pioneer staples like Azorius Control, Enigmatic Fires, and Izzet Creativity and a few surprising additions like Dimir Control and Five-Color Elementals.

With four Pro Tour invites on the line, it was a tense quarterfinals. Congratulations to the Top 4 players at the South America Magic Series Regional Championship, who earned invites to the Pro Tour!

Congratulations to Freddy Paredes, Agustin Colombo, Martin Dominguez, and Matias Leveratto!

You can see the decklists they used to secure their seat below:


Rakdos accounted for the two most popular decks in the Pioneer metagame at last weekend’s Regional Championship, with Rakdos Sacrifice and Rakdos Midrange being equally represented at the top of the field. Mono-Green Devotion, one of the most popular decks in the first cycle of Regional Championships last fall, continues to bounce back after losing ground.

It was a great weekend full of terrific and hard-fought matches in Santiago, and we can’t wait to see how these players fare at the Pro Tour in Barcelona! Congratulations again to Martin Dominguez, and to South America on another great Regional Championship.

Find out more about how you can qualify for the Regional Championship and the Pro Tour by visiting here and finding out more from your regional organizer!

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