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Rivals Gauntlet Round 2 Pairings

September 03, 2021
Wizards of the Coast

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Avignon, Matthieuvs.Merkel, Jan-Moritz
Ishimura, Shintarovs.Moreira, João
Budde, Kaivs.Simões, Miguel
Tóth, Jakubvs.Yasooka, Shota
Kuisma, Mattivs.Moutier, Théo
Harane, Kentavs.Rolph, Sam
Egashira, Kenjivs.Yukuhiro, Ken
Inglis, Davidvs.Nettles, Logan
Floch, Ivanvs.Deltour, Louis-Samuel
Shi Tian, Leevs.Thompson, Gavin
Birrell, Ianvs.Pozzo, Sebastian
Hauck, Christianvs.Cuneo, Andrew
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