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Season-by-Season Award Winners

July 15, 2020
Wizards of the Coast

The player with the most pro points over the course of a season is identified as the Pro Player of the Year. The Rookie of the Year is the player who amassed the most pro points in the season in which he lost his amateur status.

*-full standings not available

Season Player of the Year Rookie of the Year
1995-96 Olle Rade (none awarded)
1996-97 Paul McCabe* (none awarded)
1997-98 Jon Finkel Randy Buehler
1998-99 Kai Budde Dirk Baberowski
1999-2000 Bob Maher Jr. Brian Davis
2000-01 Kai Budde Katsuhiro Mori
2001-02 Kai Budde Farid Meraghni
2002-03 Kai Budde Masashi Oiso
2003-04 Gabriel Nassif Julien Nuijten
2005 Kenji Tsumura Pierre Canali
2006 Shouta Yasooka Sebastian Thaler
2007 Tomoharu Saito Yuuya Watanabe
2008 Shuhei Nakamura Aaron Nicastri
2009 Yuuya Watanabe Lino Burgold
2010 Brad Nelson Andrea Giarola
2011 Owen Turtenwald Matthias Hunt
2011-12 Yuuya Watanabe Alexander Hayne
2012-13 Josh Utter-Leyton Felipe Tapia Becerra
2013-14 Jérémy Dezani Raymond Perez Jr.
2014-15 Mike Sigrist Justin Cohen
2015-16 Owen Turtenwald Oliver Tiu
2016-17 Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa Ben Hull
2017-18 Luis Salvatto Samuel Ihlenfeldt
2022-23 Simon Nielsen  

In the 2014-15 season, we began tracking the top Grand Prix Pro Point earner, who was given the title of Grand Prix Master for that season. This continued until the end of the 2015-16 season. Those who earned the most Pro Points at Grand Prix within a single season can be found below:

Season Grand Prix Master
2014-15 Alexander Hayne
2015-16 Brian Braun-Duin

In the 2015-16 season, we began tracking the player with the most match points in the Constructed and Limited swiss rounds at Pro Tours within a season. Those players are crowned the Constructed Master (and for the 2016-17 season, Standard Master) and Draft Master, respectively.

Season Constructed Master/Standard Master Draft Master
2015-16 Oliver Tiu Márcio Carvalho
2016-17 Sebastian Pozzo Martin Jůza
2017-18 Matthew Severa Elias Watsfeldt
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