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The June 2020 Mythic Qualifier is Here

May 14, 2020
Wizards of the Coast

The final Mythic Qualifier for the 2020 Partial Season arrives this Saturday, June 20. MTG Arena's rising competitors will be ready to battle for Mythic Points and qualification to the Mythic Invitational.

Who Can Compete?

Beginning Thursday, June 18 you’ll be able to see the Mythic Qualifier event in your MTG Arena client if you’re eligible to play. In addition to Challenger competitors—the Top 200 Mythic Point-earning players from Q1 Mythic Points—the top 1,200 Mythic-ranked players in either Constructed or Limited from the May 2020 Ranked Season will be competing.

Be sure to check out the event details and complete Mythic Qualifier rules for more details about competing in the event.

What Can They Win?

Players who get to 10 match wins in the May Mythic Qualifier will be eligible to participate in the online Mythic Invitational on August 28-30, 2020.

Every Mythic Point players earn contributes to their 2020 partial season standings for competitors looking to make it into the league rank up for end-of-season invitations. Mythic Points matter for top non-league leaderboard competitors in the second quarter of 2020 who are looking to qualify for the Mythic Invitational later this year.

[Updated June 18, 2020.] Additionally, the Top 200 Mythic Point earning players from Q2 Ranked Season events—April 2020 Mythic Point Challenge; as well as the May and June 2020 Mythic Qualifiers—will have invitation to the upcoming qualifier event during the Zendikar Season.

Match wins are what matter most:

Match Wins Mythic Points
10 6
9 5
8 4
7 3
6 2
5 1

Competitors also receive gems awarded by their match wins:

Match Wins Gems
10 3,000
9 3,000
8 2,400
7 1,800
6 1,200
5 1,000
4 800
3 600
2 400
1 200

Where Can I Watch?

Streamers and other players planning to share their Mythic Qualifier journey will be found under the Magic: The Gathering game section of Twitch throughout the event. Some players may also produce additional VOD and YouTube content to share after the live event has completed.

Ask your favorite player or streamer to see what they have planned!

What's the Format?

All matches will be a best-of-three Standard, with up to 15 card sideboards available. The same deck will be used throughout the event so players will be unable to switch decks after submitting their deck choice.

With last weekend's Players Tour Online events, there's hundreds of competitive decklists in the format. With Magic Hall of Fame member Frank Karsten's metagame review breaking over 400 Players Tour decklists down, you can be ready to choose yours for the Mythic Qualifier.

How Do I Qualify for the Next Event?

The top 1,200 Mythic ranked competitors from June 2020 Ranked Season—the current season until Tuesday, June 30—will qualify for an upcoming Magic Esports event.

Jump into MTG Arena and start ranking up now on your path to the top!

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